Strategic security initiatives for organisational resilience.

Our services enable you to obtain a pragmatic independent perspective on your organisation’s information security initiatives, implement targeted improvement, and apply your technology in a way that delivers maximum risk reduction.

Layer 9 Tech Logo
Layer 9 Tech Logo
Layer 9 Tech Logo
Security Governance & Strategy Logo

Develop strategic security initiatives that deliver maximum value

Understand your current state, and plan for improvement that helps you get to where you want to go. Establish and maintain the right governance and adopt a risk based approach that aligns with your organisation's goals and industry compliance mandates.


Security Management & Improvement Logo

Optimise and improve the effectiveness of your security capabilities

Tune your technology and establish business processes that provide visibility. This ensures your security controls continue to be effective, enables us to make informed decisions, and respond to increased threat levels.


Incident Preparedness & Response Logo

Grow more resilient and prepare for the worst

Ensure that you can respond in a coordinated way. Your response plans extend through your supply chain and across your organisation to deliver continuity of critical operations, and protection of your reputation.


Defence Operations Logo

Access the knowledge and skills to make your security operations intelligent and highly effective

Access experienced and passionate security professionals and an extensive battle-tested knowledge base that will force multiply your organisation’s detection and response capabilities.


Surface X Logo

Continuously assess your external attack surface and protect your online assets

Our team of penetration testing experts monitor your online threat environment, and continuously assess your systems: hunting for vulnerabilities, responding to exposures, and alerting when you are at risk.


Penetration Testing Logo

Identify security vulnerabilities in your systems and understand how best to fix them

Regular penetration testing is one of the most effective ways to understand and improve your organisation’s security posture, and provides confidence in your systems and/or software development lifecycles.


Cloud Security Logo

Maintain your security posture in the cloud

Our cloud security specialists can ensure the security of your cloud environments and applications, and help your organisation meet the security demands that come with operating cloud technologies.


Connect with us if you’d like to take your information security to the next layer.

Welcome to the Layer

Layer 9 was founded by a team of specialists committed to delivering strategic value and passionate about organisational security. Some of our customers outsource their security functions to us, others lean on us to bring a fresh perspective and lead specific security initiatives that demand a holistic approach.

We provide services that enable organisations to develop and continuously improve their security capabilities, and obtain maximum value from their technology investments. These initiatives are strategically aligned with the organisation’s goals and deliver measurable risk reduction outcomes.

Our broad range of clients have commercial objectives, underpin our critical infrastructure, and contribute to social, health, and wellbeing outcomes for all of New Zealand. They trust us to operate with objective independence and build strategic alignment so that we can make a positive impact and contribute to their mission.

Layer 9 Logo


There is more than one way, and there’s a way that’s best for you.


We all think differently, that’s what enables us to build meaningful human connections.


We don’t have any widgets, just a commitment to purposeful value.


We bring perspective so that together we can focus.